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WCWAUT24411 Picture This: Using Picture books to teach about Climate Change

WCWAUT24411 Picture This: Using Picture books to teach about Climate Change

​​Picturebooks aren't just for our younger readers, they can be incredibly effective for literacy instruction in the middle and senior classes.

In this webinar we will explore how picturebooks can be used to explore a unit on Climate Change. Mentor texts will be shared and we will discuss how to explicitly teach theme, summary, character analysis and perspective using picturebooks as a core text.

Event Properties

Event Date 09-10-2024 7:00 pm
Event End Date 09-10-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 09-10-2024 12:00 pm
Individual Price Five euro
Speaker Dr. Treasa Bowe
Number Hours 1
Location Online

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